PC110256色 補修&追記 [toEnglish Note]
![図1:Win95でのエラー画面 [クリック]→図2:XPATCH2を当ててみたが、不成功](fig/xpcl256a.jpg)
あれこれ試した結果、どうやら、当苑のマシン限定なので少々乱暴だが、「xpatch」に、「BIOS Rev0.32」と「BIOS Rev0.33」に適合する2種(「xpatch2(仮称)」と「xpatch3(仮称)」)を用意すれば良いらしいことが分かった。
[loaddskf /f biosup.dsk a:]で、新しい「xpatch.exe」を作って、それを実行したら、"OK"が出た!
![図3:Win95のDOS窓で実行した状態 [クリック]→図4:Win3.1上で実行した状態](fig/xpcl256c.jpg)
+++ 「XPATCH2,3」をDOS窓で実行 +++

+++ 2種のXPATCH2/3.EXE +++
![図7:「XPATCH」を当てた後、256色設定可 [クリック]→図8:[No.5:五郎]の256色(?)表示の画面](fig/xpcl256g.jpg)
+++ 256色表示 +++
PC110256 colors repair & Addendum
![Fig.1 : Error screen on Win95 [click]→Fig.2 : I tried to guess XPATCH2, Unsuccessful](fig/xpcl256a.jpg)
When using "Win95", "Win98" on "No.12:Kashi/Oak" and "No.14:Hinoki/JpCypress" , I was troubled because the screen could not be set to 256 colors, but I noticed that"XPATCH" does not seem to fix, I created "XPATCH.EXE"with FD:720KB, and after allowing and repairing it, I was able to make 256 colors !
As a result of trying this and that, it seems that only my machines, "XPACTH", "BIOS Rev0.32" and "BIOS Rev0.33" Two types that fit "("xpatch2(tentative name)" and "xpatch3(tentative name)") was found to be good.
However, I don't know how many "Revision" exist, so I think these two types may not be enough.
... Later, "No.9:Kongo" was also repaired, but with the same "xpatch.exe", "_4 " was only displayed (not successed !).
I made a new "xpatch.exe" with [loaddskf /f biosup.dsk a:] and executed it, and I got "OK" !
After all, there may be subtle differences between machines. Therefore, it seems that it is not possible to use only two types of "xpatch".
This time, "No.5:Goro(tentative name)" also tried to repair 256 colors.
Actually, this machine is in a state wherecannot be started from FD, so I didn't create "XPATCH", and I also ran it. There wasn't.
Therefore, until now, on "Win95",256 colors could not be displayed. (Fig.1)
Since it can be started normally from CF, this time, copy only the (older) "XPATCH2.EXE" and put it on it, and start PC-DOS Later, I tried running it.
After all, in the old "XPATCH2", I tried to execute it multiple times, but it didn't work ! (Fig.2 [click])
However, the newly created "XPATCH3.EXE" (with an instant idea) and "Win95", when I ran it in ! a DOS window, I got "OK" at one time, and with"Win95", I was able to make 256 colors ♪ Surprised !w(vv;w
Apparently, "XPATCH2,3"can be executed from theDOS window ofWindows.
(Actually, I just thought that it could only be executed from a 720KB FD)
I also tried "Win3.1"and got similar results.
I'm grateful to Mr.Kishimoto's site (which has stopped updating now).
Also, Mr.Naoki's site was very helpful. Thanks !
![Fig.3 : Executed in Win95 DOS window [click]→Fig.4 : Win3.1 State executed above](fig/xpcl256c.jpg)
+++ Execute "XPATCH2,3"in a DOS window +++
When I started "No.5: Goro" with "Win95" and tried to make it 256 colors, an "error warning"was displayed... (Fig.1)
I tried it, opened the "DOS window", and executed "XPATCH3.EXE" on the FD.
(Cannot be started from FD, but from "Win95" and "Win98", on FD I can read and write files)
... After that, I got an "OK" reply that I hadn't expected !
Furthermore, when I tried it again, "updated" was returned. (Fig.3)
After that, no matter how many times I do it, it's just "updated".
Also, if I execute "XPATCH2.EXE" on it, of course, "updated" will be returned in the same way.
I tried running it on another machine with "Win3.1" and the result was similar. (Fig.4 [click])
(The machine had already been 256-colored, so only "updated" was returned.)
![Fig.5 : 2 types of BIOS chips:Rev0.32 & Rev0.33 [click]→Fig.6 : Created FD 2 types:Xpatch3 & Xpatch2](fig/xpcl256e.jpg)
+++ 2 types of XPATCH.EXE +++
Until now, I was not aware of the type of "XPATCH", but this time, I used "XPATCH.EXE"on multiple "PC110". I tried it and thought that at least two kinds would be enough. (Fig.5)
If one prepare them, one may be able to deal with them either way (without creating a new FD). (Fig.6 [click])
Furthermore, even if these are not on the floppy disk, they should be able to be rewritten by executing the single files "xpatch2.exe" and "xpatch3.exe".
If it does not match the machine's BIOS, the message "_4" will appear.
In that case, try executing instead of the other.
If the BIOS has been rewritten, the message "updated." will appear.
If it doesn't fit, no matter how many times one try, it will just bounce in front of the gate and will not damage the original "BIOS".
And since rewriting is one-way, once it is rewritten, it cannot be undone.
(Therefore, I one see "OK", I'll never see it again. z(--;? ... If I can back it up and rewrite it again ... No, it may be useless.)
But why did the "BIOS" Revision of "PC110" stop around 0.33 ?
If It had progressed to around Rev1.0, I imagine that the 256-color problem might have been solved.
![Fig.7 : 256 colors can be set after applying XPATCH [click]→Fig.8 : No.5: Goro 256-color (?) Display screen](fig/xpcl256g.jpg)
+++ 256 color display +++
Certainly, when working with "Win95" and "Win98", I feel that 16 colors are not enough. ... I think I need at least 256 colors. (Fig.7)
However, unfortunately, this "No.5: Goro" cannot be started from the FD, and the output part of the "video circuit" seems to be malfunctioning, which is abnormal. With 256 colors, the screen became dirty (especially due to the extreme lack of blue). (Fig.8 [click])
I changed the "WVGA-TFT-LCD"module, but it's the same.
It seems that the output voltage of the video circuit terminal become lower or missing, so a simple repair is unlikely to be enough.
Besides, the sound is just like hitting a thin iron plate. It seems to be like full-blown wound.