物事集 令和二年九月版
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「YouTube」を見回っていて、偶々、見掛けたのが、「D Caporales」で、何となく歌と踊りが揃っているのが面白くて、最後まで拝見。(図1、図2[クリック])
この"Caporal"というのが何なのか、全く知識が無いので、ただ愉しんだだけなのだが、やはり、歌は、最初に見始めた「Chicas bailando caporales 11 (Tupay - Soy Caporal)」と、それに合わせた映像の編集が、私の好みに一番合う。
Watch Caporale [Sept. 1, 2020]
![Fig_1 : Chicas bailando caporales 11 (Tupay - Soy Caporal) [click]→Fig_2 : Chicas bailando caporales 9 (Yara - Bailando Caporales)](fig/edk0901a.jpg)
While looking around on "YouTube", I happened to see "D Caporales", and it was interesting to see that the songs and dances were all together, and I saw them until the end. (Fig_1, Fig_2 [click])
After that, I was able to enjoy the songs and dances from various places and regions for a long time.
I just didn't know what this "Caporal" was, so I just enjoyed it.
After all, the song started with "Chicas bailando caporales 11 (Tupay-Soy Caporal)" and Editing the combined video suits my taste best.
Each video is accompanied by a song, but what is going on at the dance scene ?
I'm seeing drums and cymbals, so it's probably tempo-matched, but I felt that it would be difficult to match the "flowing song" (with the video) and the "dance" of the scene.
(In other words, I was worried that some of the images did not match well)
I was watching while thinking that it was a foreign version of Japan's "Awa-odori".