19 May 2014
Oops! Found another problem with my crt0.s file; I had some of
the UART vector addresses messed up. Grab the latest in the
updated zip archive below.
Updated 18 May 2014
I've fixed several bugs in the blinky project. The project itself
compiled and ran, but there were errors in somecomponent files that
would cause issues if you tried to expand blinky for other uses.
The biggest change is to the crt0.s file. The version in the
original blinky project had a vector table taken from another K20
design. Unfortunately, that design did not use an MK20DX256
family chip, so for the Teensy, the vector table was missing important
vectors or had them assigned to the wrong addresses. When I tried
to expand the blinky project to support UART interrupts, all non-core
interrupts ended up causing a hard fault. Redoing crt0.s with the
correct vector table fixed this problem.
I also made some changes to the blinky.mak file. One of the fixes
was to modify the sed script so it correctly reformatted errors for
Visual Studio; turns out the key was enclosing the sed script in
single-quotes, not double-quotes. I have a version of this script
running on a different machine that correctly handles double-quotes,
but another machine doesn't; looks like single-quotes are universal.
I've updated the zip file link below with the newest blinky code.
This zip file is now about 5.8 MB (yes, megs). The bulk of this
is taken up by the entire suite of Freescale Kinetis header
files. I did this because it was so freaking hard to get my hands
on the correct MK20DX256 header file. I ended up pulling the
entire set of files from a Code Warrior distribution provided by
Freescale; hopefully, this will save someone else the pain I had to go
I recently picked up one of the
boards. I'm blown away
with the whole design; the tiny footprint, the amount of usable I/O
brought out, the experimenter-friendly layout, the on-chip resources,
and most of all, the price. $19 for 256 KB of flash, 64 KB of
RAM, all in a Cortex-M4 ARM that can hit 72 MHz. What's not to
Well, I did find one thing I don't care for in the Teensy, which is why
this page exists. You are expected to use Arduino dev tools to
write your Teensy apps, and I'm not an Arduino fan. Yes, Arduino
has brought programming to people who otherwise might not have been
able to enjoy this hobby. But Arduino is not for me, for various
reasons. So here is a set of instructions for setting up a
bare-metal dev environment for the Teensy 3.x.
These instruction are fairly high level. You can find more detail
on a similar project on my
bare-metal mbed
page. Note that this site owes a lot to others who have set up
their version
of bare-metal dev on the Teensy, or who have contributed to Teensy dev
in general. What you see here is a mashup of various websites and
archive files; where possible, I've added notes in the source files
detailing names and websites of others whose help I've used..
CodeSourcery G++ Lite is a gcc tool suite suitable for developing
ARM-based (and other) projects. You can download the CodeBench
Lite (command-line
only) suite from Mentor
Graphics. Here is a link to the download page for the ARM EABI
suite, which works with the Teensy 3.x board:
from the
list of recommended packages. Save this installer to a folder on
your desktop, then double-click the installer to launch it.
Note that when you install, CodeSourcery will provide a default install
folder; DO NOT use the default! Provide a new install path that
does NOT contain spaces in the path! I used
c:\CodeSourcery. Immediately after the install finishes, use the
Windows file explorer to open the install folder and rename the folder
\Sourcery G++ Lite to
\SourceryG++Lite, again, to
eliminate spaces in the path to the various CS tools. If you
don't do these steps, you will have all kinds of issues later when you
try to build one of your projects.
You will need a make utility for your host OS. Since I'm using
Windows XP, I picked up a Windows-friendly version from the Free
Software Foundation; GNU Make 3.81, built for i386-pc-mingw32,
Microsoft's Visual Studio 2008 Express
CodeSourcery provides the compler, linker, assembler, and other common
gcc tools, but does not provide an
integrated development environment (IDE). I chose to use Visual
Studio 2008 Express Edition (VS2008) for my IDE.
I have used Visual Studio as an IDE for years, both for desktop and
embedded development. I like how VS lets me organize my files and
projects, I like the syntax highlighting, the tooltips on hover, the
auto-suggest when working with variables and structures, the
right-click on a definition to hop to the definition. I also use
the ability to double-click on an
error and go right to the offending line so much that I get frustrated
when an IDE doesn't provide this. Yes, there are lots of IDEs out
there, and you might find one you like more than VS. If so, go
ahead and enjoy.
Note that this double-click on error feature is not available
when compiling with gcc in VS2008. However, a bit of sed magic in
the makefile fixes this lack. You can find details below.
The Kinetis source file and docs
You will need a set of source files for Freescale's Kinetis K20
microcontroller, the device used in the Teensy 3.x boards. There
are many of these floating around on the web. They appear to have
a common origin, apparently either Code Warriror or Freescale
devs. At one point, I had three different versions of these
source files and the final blinky project uses a blend of all of
them. Probably the best starting point is to grab the
kinetis_50MHz_sc package, available
in the Lab and Test Software section. Unzip this archive, then
open the k20d50m_sc_baremetal folder. Many of the files you will
be using can be found in this folder.
You will also need the K20 documentation. The main items are the
Reference Guide (K20_QuickRefGuide.pdf) and the Reference Manual
(K20P64M72SF1_RefMan.pdf). These are available on the Freescale
K20 page
The project layout
I have copied files from the K20 archive listed above, then
moved them into folders in my Teensy3x project tree in a layout I like,
which is different from the layout assumed in the Freescale
projects. My layout looks like this:
(VS2008 solution file for blinky)
(assorted low-level .c files, such as uart.c, not
needed for blinky)
(assorted low-level .h files,
such as uart.h, not needed for blinky)
This layout lets me keep all project-related source files in a
dedicated project folder, but find common driver code and include files
easily. To duplicate this layout, you will need to find the
associated files in the K20 archive and move them as needed. Or
you can create your own layout, then modify the blinky.mak makefile
Defining a project in VS2008 with GCC
Create a new project in VS2008, of type General and using the Makefile
template. Provide a name for
the project and a path to where you will keep your source files. In my
case, the solution file will be in c:\projects\Teensy3x\blinky and the
source files in c:\projects\Teensy3x\blinky\blinky.
The Makefile Project Wizard will allow you to enter commands for using
a makefile; click Next>.
Enter the appropriate make commands for your project. In my case,
I used a makefile of blinky.mak:
Build command: make -f blinky.mak
Clean command: make -f blinky.mak clean
Rebuild command: make -f blinky.mak clean all
Click Next>, then Finish.
At the blank VS2008 project window for blinky, right-click the Source
folder in the Solution Explorer (left side of screen), then navigate to
your blinky folder and select blinky.c (assuming you have downloaded
the supplied files below). I usually right-click on the Resource
folder, then select blinky.mak, so I can get to the makefile quickly.
With the folders and files set up, you should be ready to build.
Right-click on the blinky icon (just below Solution 'blinky' in the
Solution Explorer), then select Build. Your build should complete
and you should find a blinky.hex file in your blinky project folder.
The makefile
Here is my blinky makefile, blinky.mak.
# Project Name
# Type of CPU/MCU in target hardware
CPU = cortex-m4
# Build the list of object files needed. All object files
will be built in
# the working directory, not the source directories.
# You will need as a minimum your $(PROJECT).o file.
# You will also need code for startup (following reset) and
# any code needed to get the PLL configured.
sysinit.o \
# Select the toolchain by providing a path to the top level
# directory; this will be the folder that holds the
# arm-none-eabi subfolders.
TOOLPATH = C:/CodeSourcery/SourceryG++Lite
# Provide a base path to your Teensy firmware release folder.
# This is the folder containing all of the Teensy source and
# include folders. For example, you would expand any
# example folders (such as common or include) and place them
# here.
TEENSY3X_BASEPATH = C:/projects/Teensy3x
# Select the target type. This is typically arm-none-eabi.
# If your toolchain supports other targets, those target
# folders should be at the same level in the toolchain as
# the arm-none-eabi folders.
TARGETTYPE = arm-none-eabi
# Describe the various include and source directories needed.
# These usually point to files from whatever distribution
# you are using (such as Freescale examples). This can also
# include paths to any needed GCC includes or libraries.
# All possible source directories other than '.' must be defined
# the VPATH variable. This lets make tell the compiler
where to find
# source files outside of the working directory. If you
need more
# than one directory, separate their paths with ':'.
# List of directories to be searched for include files during
# Name and path to the linker script
LSCRIPT = $(TEENSY3X_BASEPATH)/common/Teensy31_flash.ld
DEBUG = -g
# List the directories to be searched for libraries during
# Optionally, list archives (libxxx.a) to be included during
# Compiler options
GCFLAGS = -Wall -fno-common -mcpu=$(CPU) -mthumb -O$(OPTIMIZATION)
# You can uncomment the following line to create an assembly output
# listing of your C files. If you do this, however, the sed script
# in the compilation below won't work properly.
# GCFLAGS += -c -g -Wa,-a,-ad
# Assembler options
ASFLAGS = -mcpu=$(CPU)
# Uncomment the following line if you want an assembler listing file
# for your .s files. If you do this, however, the sed script
# in the assembler invocation below won't work properly.
#ASFLAGS += -alhs
# Linker options
LDFLAGS = -nostdlib -nostartfiles -Map=$(PROJECT).map -T$(LSCRIPT)
LDFLAGS += --cref
# Tools paths
# Define an explicit path to the GNU tools used by make.
# If you are ABSOLUTELY sure that your PATH variable is
# set properly, you can remove the BINDIR variable.
CC = $(BINDIR)/arm-none-eabi-gcc
AS = $(BINDIR)/arm-none-eabi-as
AR = $(BINDIR)/arm-none-eabi-ar
LD = $(BINDIR)/arm-none-eabi-ld
OBJCOPY = $(BINDIR)/arm-none-eabi-objcopy
SIZE = $(BINDIR)/arm-none-eabi-size
OBJDUMP = $(BINDIR)/arm-none-eabi-objdump
# Define a command for removing folders and files during
clean. The
# simplest such command is Linux' rm with the -f option.
You can find
# suitable versions of rm on the web.
REMOVE = rm -f
all:: $(PROJECT).hex $(PROJECT).bin stats dump
$(PROJECT).bin: $(PROJECT).elf
$(OBJCOPY) -O binary -j .text -j .data
$(PROJECT).elf $(PROJECT).bin
$(PROJECT).hex: $(PROJECT).elf
$(OBJCOPY) -R .stack -O ihex $(PROJECT).elf
# Linker invocation
stats: $(PROJECT).elf
$(SIZE) $(PROJECT).elf
dump: $(PROJECT).elf
$(OBJDUMP) -h $(PROJECT).elf
$(REMOVE) *.o
$(REMOVE) *.lst
# The toolvers target provides a sanity check, so you can
# exactly which version of each tool will be used when you build.
# If you use this target, make will display the first line of each
# tool invocation.
# To use this feature, enter from the command-line:
# make -f $(PROJECT).mak toolvers
$(CC) --version | sed q
$(AS) --version | sed q
$(LD) --version | sed q
$(AR) --version | sed q
$(OBJCOPY) --version | sed q
$(SIZE) --version | sed q
$(OBJDUMP) --version | sed q
# Default rules to compile .c and .cpp file to .o
# and assemble .s files to .o
# There are two options for compiling .c files to .o; uncomment
only one.
# The shorter option is suitable for making from the command-line.
# The option with the sed script on the end is used if you want to
# compile from Visual Studio; the sed script reformats error
# so Visual Studio's IntelliSense feature can track back to the
# file with the error.
.c.o :
@echo Compiling $<, writing to $@...
# $(CC) $(GCFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ > $(basename
$(CC) $(GCFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ 2>&1 | sed -e
.cpp.o :
@echo Compiling $<, writing to $@...
$(CC) $(GCFLAGS) -c $<
# There are two options for assembling .s files to .o; uncomment
only one.
# The shorter option is suitable for making from the command-line.
# The option with the sed script on the end is used if you want to
# compile from Visual Studio; the sed script reformats error
# so Visual Studio's IntelliSense feature can track back to the
# file with the error.
.s.o :
@echo Assembling $<, writing to $@...
# $(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -o $@ $< > $(basename
$(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -o $@ $< 2>&1 | sed
-e 's/\(\w\+\):\([0-9]\+\):/\1(\2):/'
This is kind of a large file, but much of that bulk is comments.
There are a few key macros that you must set up in order to build your
blinky program correctly.
The OBJECTS macro should contain all of the object files used in your
project. As a minimum, these will be your main project file
(blinky.o), the sysinit.o file, and the crt0.o file. You can add
others as needed, but add them one per line and follow the format shown.
The TOOLPATH macro points to the top level of your Code Sourcery folder.
The VPATH macro should include any folders that contain source files
outside of your main project folder. In this case, VPATH contains
the path to the common\ folder, because crt0.s and sysinit.c both live
there and are needed by the project.
The LSCRIPT macro points to the linker script used by the project.
The default rule for converting .c files to .o files controls how C
files are compiled. There are two different compiling commands,
both starting with $(CC). Uncomment one and only one of these two
lines. If you uncomment the longer line, the included sed script
will convert error messages from the cc compiler to the syntax expected
by VS2008's IntelliSense; this will let you double-click on an error
message and move directly to the offending line.
Similarly, there are two different assembly commands, each starting
with $(AS). Uncomment one and only one of these two lines.
You likely won't need to track errors in crt0.s, but if you do, using
the longer of these lines invokes a sed script that lets you
double-click on an error message and jump directly to the error in the
source file.
My blinky program
Here is the source for my blinky.c file.
* blinky.c for the
Teensy 3.1 board (K20 MCU, 16 MHz crystal)
* This code will
blink the Teensy's LED. Each "blink" is
* really a set of
eight pulses. These pulses give the actual
* system clock in
Mhz, starting with the MSB. A pulse is
* narrow for a 0-bit
and wide for a 1-bit.
* For a system clock
of 72 MHz, blinks will read 0x48.
* For a system clock
of 48 MHz, blinks will read 0x30.
#include "common.h"
int main(void)
uint32_t n;
PORT_PCR_MUX(0x1); // LED is on PC5 (pin 13), config as GPIO (alt = 1)
// make this an output pin
// start with
LED off
v =
v = v /
while (1)
for (n=0; n<1000000; n++)
; // dumb delay
mask = 0x80;
while (mask != 0)
for (n=0; n<1000; n++)
; // base delay
if ((v & mask) == 0)
LED_OFF; // for 0 bit, all done
for (n=0; n<2000; n++)
; // (for 1 bit, LED is still on)
for (n=0; n<1000; n++) ;
mask = mask >> 1;
// should
never get here!
As you can see, there isn't much to it. The low-level
initialization (in sysinit.c) is automatically invoked by crt0.s.
By the time control enters main(), the MCU clocks have been set up, the
GPIO ports have clocks routed to them, and all variable initialization
has been done.
This program blinks an LED with a series of eight brief pulses.
The pulses form an eight-bit hex value that corresponds to the system
clock in MHz. For example, if the system clock is 48 MHz, the LED
will flash 0x30. You will need an oscilloscope to measure the
pulses. A 0 pulse is short and a 1 pulse is long.
The files
You can find an archive of my blinky files, including my initial
Teensy3x project layout, in this
zip archive.
The executable
The point of the entire exercise above was to get a bare-metal LED
blinker running. The final executable, blinky.hex, takes up 2650
bytes, of which 1024 is consumed by the vector table stored at
0x0000. To run the program, you will need the Teensy.exe
downloader, available from the
website. Note that you might have to do a full Arduino
install just to get this program to work.
OK, that's a wrap. This has been a large page and I appreciate
you taking the time to wade through all of this. If you have
questions or (even better) ways to improve what I have here, please
drop me an email.