From the Club 100 support files ( SETTING DATE AND TIME To set the day, date and time on a Model 100, 102 or 200 Go into BASIC... To set the day: day$="xxx" ... where xxx = mon tue wed thu fri sat sun To set the date: date$="mm/dd/yy" ... where mm = 01 - 12, dd = 01 - 31, yy = 00 - 99 Note: the "19" is carved in stone. It is not easily changeable to 20 without either running a program or reburning the system ROM. You will find links in our on-line library to fellow Model "T"ers who have written such programs and/or burned a new system rom. To set the time: time$="hh:mm:ss" ... where hh = 00 - 24, mm = 00 - 59, ss - 00 - 59 Note: Time is military time, also known as a 24 hour clock, e.g., 1600 = 4PM --