new products
Broderbund Software
17 Paul Dr.
San Rafael, CA 94903
(415) 479-1170
48K - disk
This new action arcade game places you in the Sticky Sole Gumball Factory where you must sort gumballs while avoiding the antics of your zealous supervisor. The game includes quotas, possibilities for promotion and a colorful cartoon.
NPC Photo Division
1238 Chestnut St.
Newton Upper Falls, MA 02164
(617) 969-3487
The Screenshooter system gives you a simple way to take photographs
of your video display. It includes a hood that fits over your monitor,
special lenses, a Polaroid One Step 600 camera with bracket, and second
bracket that holds 35mm SLR cameras.
(Atari-to-CP/M interface)
USS Enterprises
6708 Landerwood Lane
San Jose, CA 95120
(408) 997-0264
This 15-foot cable and software package connects the serial port of popular CP/M machines to the Atari disk/printer port. According to preliminary information, an Atari XL computer can be used with the disk drives, printer and keyboard of a system running CP/M.
Reston Computer Group
11480 Sunset Hills Rd.
Reston, VA 22090
(800) 336-0338
Each game: 48K - disk and joystick $29.95
Each game puts you in the role of a creature (dolphin, lizard or player drifting above the earth) who must face increasing levels of obstacles at stages of life. There are goals in each game, as well as lessons and insights. For instance, in the Dolphin's Pearl you start as a dolphin who must learn to swim, leap, and explore the unseen with sound. Eventually, you attempt to find the secret place that holds the Dolphin's Pearl, while avoiding hunters, harpoons, and deadly sea creatures.
Sunburst Communications Inc.
39 Washington Ave.
Pleasantville, NY 10570
(914) 769-5030
48K - disk
A problem-solving program for ages 11 and up. The Incredible Laboratory requires kids to use trial and error and note-taking to discover how chemicals combine to create colorful and unusual monsters, according to the manufacturers.
Microbits Peripheral Products
225 Third Ave. SW
Albany, OR 97321
(503) 967-9075
MPP claims the MicroPrint, a printer interface for all Atari computers,
replaces the 850 interface. It comes with a two year warranty and
a for-foot cable with Centronics plug. MicoPrint should be compatible
with Epson, NEC, and Prowriter, among other printers.
(operating system)
Allen Macroware
P.O. Box 2205
Redondo Beach CA 90278
(213) 376-4105
800/600XL Version - $79.95
1200XL Version - $89.95
The XL Boss is claimed to be a replacement operating system for Atari
XL computers, offering built-in BASIC with a key stroke, access to 4K of
extra RAM, pushbutton coldstarts, and instant compatibility (without the
Translator disk) with programs such as Letter Perfect, File Manager 800+,
Text Wizard and many games not previously compatible with the XL line.