Robot Battles
Microdeal has recently released Slaygon
for the Amiga and the Atari ST.
The Slaygon is a sophisticated military robot that cannot be destroyed
by conventional means.
Players must help the government destroy the
Cybordynamics Laboratory facility where a toxic virus has been
developed to control the world. If the robot can disable their
the world will be saved. The Slaygon must bypass security robots and
move through five miles of hallways and 500 rooms and then advance
through five security levels.
The game is made more difficult by the fact that the
robot has a limited energy supply. An information panel allows the
player to view the energy level indicator, a directional indicator, a
map, and a three-dimensional front view.
The suggested retail price is $39.95.
Microdeal, 576 S.
Telegraph,,Pontiac. MI 48053
Circle Reader Service
Number 206.