The Editors and
Readers of COMPUTE!
If you have any questions, comments,
or suggestions you would like to see addressed in this column, write to
"Readers' Feedback," COMPUTE!, P.O. Box 5406, Greensboro, NC 27403. Due
to the volume of mail we receive, we regret that we cannot provide
personal answers to technical questions.
I am using an Apple IIe with a color T V as a monitor. One problem with the TV is .that reverse characters are difficult if not impossible to read. Is there any way to modify the "Apple Automatic Proofreader" so the checksum numbers appear normal instead of reverse? I am not the best typist in the world and was delighted to find a Proofreader program. But the checksum numbers are so hard to read that I can't use it at all.
Robert A. Love
It's easy to defeat the reverse video effect for Apple computers. Run the Proofreader as usual, then enter this line in direct mode (without a line number):
POKE 804,176: POKE 806,186: POKE
822,176: POKE 824,186
The checksum numbers appear in the usual screen location in normal video. Since this modification makes the checksum harder to distinguish from other numbers on the screen, you probably won't want to make this change unless it's absolutely necessary.