Modifications Or Corrections Top Previous Articles
64 Blockhead
The program we use to generate listings caused several typographical errors in the 64 version of this game (August 1983, p. 106). The corrections are as follows:
Atari Blockhead
Readers who have had difficulty typing in the characters in line 51 of Program 1 (p. 102) may prefer to substitute the following lines, which build B$ from DATA statements:
51 RESTORE 53 52 FOR 1 = 1 TO 36 : READ C : B$(I, I) = CHR$ (C) : NEXT I 53 DATA 104, 165, 89, 133, 215 54 DATA 165, 88, 133, 214, 169, 0 55 DATA 133, 212, 133, 213, 162, 0 56 DATA 160, 0, 177, 214, 201, 84 57 DATA 208, 1, 232, 200, 152, 201 58 DATA 0, 208, 243, 138, 133, 212, 96
VIC Mystery Spell
The VIC version (Program 3) of this educational game (September 1983, p. 126) allows you to enter your own word practice lists but resets to the original list after the first word. To allow additional words from your own lists, Raymond Neiford suggests adding the following lines:
102 COUNT = 0 : WR = 0 103 GOSUB 1120 5012 IF M$ = "Y" THEN 102
Sprite Editor For Tl
Reader Jim Van Scyoc suggests the following changes to correct minor flaws in the sprite editor utility (September 1983, p. 258) and make it easier to use:
110 DIM B(16,16) : : SC = 8 265 KCHAR = 100 1005 CALL SCREEN(8)
Coupon File For Atari And Tl
For the BASIC discount coupon filing program from the October 1983 issue (p. 52) to work properly on the Atari, the following additional line is required:
505 DIM K$(1), A$(3), B$(20), C$(20), D$(10), E$(20)
The program as presented will work on the TI-99 only in Extended BASIC. In console BASIC, THEN can be followed only by a line number. Changing the IF-THEN GOTO statements involves only removing the GOTO command, but replacing the IF-THEN GOSUB lines requires replacing the RETURNS with appropriate GOTOs.
64 Spiralizer
The 64 version of this graphics program from the October 1983 issue (Program 6, p. 196) contains a number of errors. The B's in line 30 should be replaced with SHIFTed B's. The A$ in line 145 should be replaced with X$. In line 203, change SYS 50012 to SYS 50039. In line 205, change SYS 50120 to SYS 50147. Thanks to Bill Crouch of the Central Florida Commodore Users Group for pointing this out.
Mosaic Puzzle
Users of all versions of this game from the October 1983 issue (p. 90) should be aware that not all goal patterns can be reached from a given starting pattern. In particular, if you reach a point where you need only switch the position of two tiles to match the goal and those two remaining tiles are side by side, then the goal pattern cannot be reached.
Program 2 from October, which should have been the 64 version, was actually a repeat of the VIC version. See the article "64 Mosaic Puzzle" in this issue for the correct Commodore 64 program.
64 Character Creator
This program (October 1983, p. 312) fails to fill color memory. This causes no problems on older 64s, but will render the character design grid drawn in the lower right of the screen invisible on newer models. Reader Patrick Malloy suggests the following corrections and addition to provide a simple fix:
29 IFL > 0ORF = 1THEN38 38 POKE 53281, 14 : PRINT CHR$(147); : POKE 53 281, 6 39 PRINT SPC(20)"IN MULTI-COLOR MODE"