Classic Computer Magazine Archive COMPUTE! ISSUE 115 / DECEMBER 1989 / PAGE 47


In the world of home computing, there's always more to learn. Any gift that makes computing a little easier is a big winner and we've listed some sure bets. In October, we told you about books and online tutorials that would teach newcomers and old-timers alike. Along with those suggestions, try these computing aids.


Lotus Publishing

For Lotus 1-2-3 fans, Lotus offers useful information and tips about the well-known spreadsheet. Published monthly, the magazine discusses how to use the spreadsheet for all sorts of business and organizational tasks.

SnapCap KeyCaps


If you ever want to change the name of a key so you can remember its function, all you have to do is ask. Hooleon imprints IBM-compatible keys to your specifications, and you can choose colors. Check this company for other keyboard enhancements, too.

Word for Word

The Cobb Group

Manuals only go so far to teach you about your favorite software. If you use Microsoft Word, you probably know that people are thinking up new tips every day. Word for Word is a magazine that tells you what's new, what's handy, and what's troublesome with the popular program.

WordPerfect: The Magazine

WordPerfect Publishing

Like Word for Word and Lotus magazines, WordPerfect: The Magazine offers useful articles on all aspects of the best-selling word processor. Among other topics, you'll find help with macros, desktop publishing, and printing.