Classic Computer Magazine Archive COMPUTE! ISSUE 113 / OCTOBER 1989 / PAGE 66



User Groups

To find local user groups, first check with area computer dealers. They often maintain a list of groups and contact numbers.

There isn't a central resource for PC user groups, but here are some of the bigger organizations: Capital PC User Group in Washington, DC (301-762-6775 or jOl-738-9060); Boston Computer Society (617-367-8080); Houston Area League of PC Users (713-524-2572 or 713-524-8383); and the BMUG in Berkeley. California (415-849-HELP or 415-849-9114).

Apple computer owners can call the Apple User Group Connection (800-538-9696, extension 500, or 408-974-6343 in California). COMPUTE!'s Amiga Resource magazine publishes a list of Amiga groups in October, and Commodore 64 and 128 owners can check the similar list published in the May and June issues of COMPUTE!'s Gazette.

Online Tutorials

The best cure for computer fear is to form an alliance with your computer and let it do the teaching. Below, is a list of DOS tutorials. Online tutorials are available for many different programs. Check with the company that publishes the software you use. Also check with the companies who publish these DOS tutorials.

DOS Step-by-Step; Info-Designs, 445 Enterprise Ct., Bloomfield Hills, MI 48013; (313) 334-9790

DOS Tutor; Design Software, 1275 W. Roosevelt Rd., W. Chicago, IL 60185; (800) 231-3088

Teach Yourself DOS; American Training International, 12638 Beatrice St., Los Angeles, CA 90066: (213)823-1129

Learning DOS; Microsoft, 16011 NE 36th Way, Box 97017, Redmond, WA 98073; (206) 882-8080

PC Crash Course and Survival Guide: Scandinavian PC Systems. 51 Monroe St., Suite 1101, Rockville. MD 20850; (800) 288-SCAN


You can find a computer book for just about any occasion: the elementary approach for children, the gentle approach for beginners, the hard-boiled approach for the power user. Check the following list.

For the PC Amateur

ABCs of Computing; A Plain-English Guide, by Larry Blasko; Compubug, P.O. Box 626, Summit, NJ 07901

Easy DOS It, by Ron Bauer; The Easy Way Press, Electronic Publishers, P.O. Box 12041, Birmingham, MI 48012; (313) 651-9405

MS-DOS: The Basics, by David A. Lien: CompuSoft Publishing, San Diego. CA 92128; (619) 461-1580

PC/MS-DOS Made Easy, by Tony Dowden; COMPUTE! Books. Chilton Book Company, Chilton Way, Radnor. PA 19089; (800) 345-1214

For the PC Rookie

Running MS-DOS, by Van Wolverton; Microsoft Press, 16011 NE 36th Way, Box 97017. Redmond. WA 98073; (206) 882-8080

Inside the IBM PC, by Peter Norton; Brady Utilities Software, Simon & Schuster Reference Division, One Gulf + Western Plaza, New York. NY 10023; (212) 373-8140

A quick reference such as DOS Instant Reference, by Greg Harvey and Kay Yarborough Nelson; Sybex. 2021 Challenger Dr. #100, Alameda, CA 94501; (415) 523-8233; or any COMPUTE! Books Quick & Easy Guide; COMPUTE! Books, Chilton Book Company, Chilton Way. Radnor. PA 19089; (800) 345-1214

For the PC Pro

PC Magazine DOS Power Tools: Techniques, Tricks and Utilities, by Paul Somerson: Bantam Computer Books, 666 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10103: (212) 765-6500

Supercharging DOS, by Van Wolverton; Microsoft Press, 16011 NE 36th Way, Box 97017, Redmond. WA 98073; (206) 882-8080

DOS Power User's Guide, by Kris Jamsa; Osborne McGraw Hill. 2600 Tenth St., Berkeley, CA 94710; (800) 227-0900

For the PC All-Star

The MS-DOS Encyclopedia, by various authors: Microsoft Press, 16011 NE 36th Way. Box 97017. Redmond, WA 98073; (206) 882-8080


Try adding templates on your keyboard. They remind you which commands go with which keys. Several companies make templates; one is FuncKey Enterprises, Route I, Box 639G, Sanger, Texas 76266; (817) 482-6613.

Wheel Ease Software Guides are also helpful accessories. You look along the outside ring of the wheel and find the task you're trying to accomplish—create a new directory, for example. Next, line up the inner wheel's window with the name of the task, and the command you need appears in the command-code window. Contact Wheel Ease Reference at 1075 Bellevue Way NE, Suite 369, Bellevue, Washington 98004; (206) 583-0642.

If you roam the telecommunications services or electronic bulletin boards, look for a DOS help program. COMPUTE!'s PC Magazine has included DOS Help on its disk. The shareware program, created by John Crouch, is like an index to DOS. There are other similar programs available in shareware circles.

Finally, subscribe to a computer magazine that speaks your language. You'll keep up to date on news, learn about new technologies as they emerge, and find out which products live up to their promises.