Classic Computer Magazine Archive COMPUTE! ISSUE 1 / FALL 1979 / PAGE 32

Universal 6502 Memory Test

Carl W. Moser

This article contains a memory test program which tests RAM memory in various 6502 based systems. This test was developed after using several tests which did not perform a complete test. The problem areas were untested chip selects and address line inputs.

The program performs two tests:

Test 1: Tests memory cells for storage retention, and open, shorted, or non-functioning data and Ao-An address lines. This is done by writing 00 011 ... FF 00 011 ... FF continually throughout the memory range for the first pass. When this has been written, it is checked to validate the data. On the next pass 01 02 ... FF 00 011 ... FF is written and checked. This continues for 256 (hex FF) passes until all possible combinations of bit patterns have been used.

Test 2: Tests the RAM chip select inputs. This is the same as test 1 except data 00 01 ... F2 00 01 ... F2 is used. The purpose of this test is to test the remaining A8-A15 address lines. Listings 1 (originating at memory address $0002) and 2 (originating at $0800) contain the source of the memory test program. The reason for these two listings is that not all 6502 microcomputers have RAM at a common address from which the memory test program can execute. To determine which listing is appropriate for your system, consult, table A. Next enter the object code from the appropriate listing, and then configure the I/O for your system, also from table A.

Enter the start address and end address of the memory range to be tested as described in table B. Execution begins with test 1 at $0002 for Listing 1 and $0800 for Listing 2.

If an error occurs, it will be outputted in the following format:

Address Test Pattern Error
xxxx yy zz

Note: This program performs a lengthy but exhaustive rest of RAM memory. It takes approximately 38 seconds per 1K of memory for each test 1 and test 2.

When test 1 runs to completion, a break instruction will be executed to enter your systems monitor program. Register A will contain E1 indicating end of test 1. To execute test 2, simply continue execution by typing G to your monitor.

If errors occur, they will be of the same form as described above. When test 2 has run to completion, a break instruction will again transfer control to your monitor and register A will contain E2 signifying the end. To continue execution again at test 1, simply type G. The start and end address range is not altered by the memory test program.

If errors occurred in test 2 but not in test 1, you can safely assume a chip select malfunction (possible stuck in enable state or malfunction with circuitry which generates the chip select or an address line other than A0-A7. Usually a number of errors will occur in test 1 when the fault is a single defective address input, data input, or data output.

If a continuous sequence of addresses with errors occur, the problem is likely to be an open data input or a data output stuck at '1' or '0.'

If errors occur every 2nd, 4th, 8th, 16th or some power of 2 address sequence, check for defective address inputs as follows:

Data bit with error Check address input Data bit with error Check address input
D0 A0 or A8 D4 A4 or A12
D1 A1 or A9 D5 A5 or A13
D2 A2 or A10 D6 A6 or A14
D3 A3 or A11 D7 A7 or A15

If, for example, you are checking 2102's (1 × 1K) and are specifying a 4K range of memory and an error common to the whole range occurs, the problem is likely to be in the power leads, defective data or address buffers, stuck at ‘0’ address inputs, stuck at ‘0’ data inputs, or stuck at ‘0’ data outputs.

In all of the above, you may have to examine the various memory error patterns for some similarity in order to isolate the defective component. This is especially true of the 1 × 1K 2102, and 1 × 16K 4116 memory chips where each chip is devoted to a particular data lead (D0-D7).

TEST 2   TEST 1			0010 ; MCS 6502 MEMORY TEST
                                0080 ; ZERO PAGE LOCATIONS
                                0090 ADDRS	.DE 0 ; 2 BYTES - ADDRESS OF MEMORY
                                0140		.BA $0002 OR .BA $0800
0800- A2 00     0002- A2 00     0160 MEM<TEST LDX #$00
0802- BE E2 08  0004- 8E E4 00  0170		STX TEST<TYPE ; TEST 1
0805- 20 1B 08  0007- 20 ID 00  0180		JSR TEST<PGM
0808- A9 E1     006A- A9 E1     0190		LDA #$E1
080A- 00        000C- 00        0200		BRK
080B- EA        000D- EA        0210		NOP
080C- EA        000E- EA        0220		NOP
080D- EE E2 08  000F- EE E4 00  0230		INC TEST<TYPE  ; TEST 2
0810- 20 18 08  0012- 20 ID 00  0240		JSR TEST<PGM
0813- A9 E2     0015- A9 E2     0250		LDA #$E2
0815- 00        0017- 00        0260		BRK
0816- EA        0018- EA        0270		NOP
0817- EA        0019- EA        0260		NOP
0818- 4C 00 08  001A- 4C 02 00  0290		JMP MEM<TEST
                                0300 ;
081B- 20 C9 08  001D- 20 CB 00  0310 TEST<PGM JSR CRLF
081B- A0 00     0020- A0 00     0320		LDY #$00 ; PATTERN REGISTER
0820- A2 00     0022- A2 00     0330		LDX #$00
0822- BE E1 08  0024- BE E3 00  0340		STX TEST<PATRN
0825- 4C 2B 08  0027- 4C 30 00  0350		JMP NX<PASS
                                0360 ;
0825- EE E1 08  002A- EE E3 00  0370 NX<PATRN INC TEST<PATEN
0826- D0 01     002D- D0 01     0380		BNE NX<PASS
082D- 60        002F- 60        0390		RTS
082E- AC E1 08  0030- AC E3 00  0400 NX<PASS	LDY TEST<PATRN
0831- 20 9F 08  0033- 20 A1 00  0410		JSR INI<ADDRS
0834- 98        0036- 98        0420 LOOP1	TYA
0835- 81 00     0037- 81 00     0430		STA (ADDRS, X) ; STORE PATTERN
0837- C1 00     0039- C1 00     0440		CMP (ADDRS, X) ; CHECK
0839- F0 03     003B- F0 03     0450		BEQ NO<ERR1
083B- 20 81 08  003D- 20 83 00  0460		JSR ERROR ; ADDRS, R(A), (ADDRS, X)
083E- 20 6E 08  0040- 20 70 00  0470 NO<ERR1	JSR INC<ADDRSC
0841- F0 06     0043- P0 06     0480		BEQ CK<PATRN
0843- 20 61 08  0045- 20 63 00  0490		JSR INC<RY
0846- 4C 34 08  0048- 4C 36 00  0500		JMP LOOP 1
                                0510 ;
0849- AC E1 08  004B- AC E3 00  0520 CK<PATRN LDY TEST<PATRN
084C- 20 9F 08  004E- 20 A1 00  0530		JSR INI<ADDRS ; INITIALISE ADDRS
084F- 98        0051- 98        0540 LOOP2	TYA
0850- C1 00     0052- C1 00     0550		CMP (ADDRS, X)0852- F0 03     0054- F0 03     0560		BEQ NO <ERR2
0854- 20 81 08  0056- 20 83 00  0570		JSR ERROR ; ADDRS, R(A), (ADDRS, X)
0857- 20 61 08  0059- 20 63 00  0580 NO < ERR2 JSR INC < RY
085A- 20 6E 08  005C- 20 70 00  0590		JSR INC < ADDRSC
085D- D0 F0     005F- D0 F0     0600		BNE LOOP2
085F- F0 C7     0061- F0 C7     0610		BEQ NX < PATRN
0861- C8        0063- C8        0640 INC < RY INY
0862- AD E2 08  0064- AD E4 00  0650		LDA TEST < TYPE
0865- F0 06     0067- F0 06     0660		BEQ EXIT1
0867- C0 F3     0069- C0 F3     0670		CPY #$F3 ; RESET R(Y) TO CHECK
0869- 90 02     006B- 90 02     0680		BCC EXIT1           CHIP SELECTS
086B- A0 00     006D- A0 00     0690		LDY #$00
086D- 60        006F- 60        0700 EXIT1	RTS
                                0710 ;
                                0720 ;
086E- E6 00     0070- E6 00     0730 INC<ADDRSC INC *ADDRS
0870- D0 02     0072- D0 02     0740		BNE SKIP < HI
0872- E6 01     0074- E6 01     0750		INC *ADDRS + $01
0874- AD DF 08  0076- AD E1 00  0760 SKIP<HI	LDA END
0877- C5 00     0079- C5 00     0770		CMP *ADDRS
0879- D0 05     007B- D0 05     0780		BNE EXIT2
087B- AD E0 08  007D- AD E2 00  0790		LDA END + $01
087E- C5 01     0080- C5 01     0800		CMP *ADDRS + $01
0880- 60        0082- 60        0810 EXIT 2	RTS
                                0840 ; OUTPUT THE ERROR; ADDRESS, PATTERN, ERROR
0881- 48        0083- 48        0850 ERROR	PHA
0882- A5 01     0084- A5 01     0860		LDA *ADDRS + $01
0884- 20 AA 08  0086- 20 AC 00  0870		JSR TBYT ; OUTPUT ADDRS HI
0887- A5 00     0089- A5 00     0880		LDA *ADDRS
0889- 20 AA 08  008B- 20 AC 00  0890		JSR TBYT ; OUTPUT ADDRS LO
088C- 20 D4 08  008E- 20 D6 00  0900		JSR SPACE2
088F- 68        0091- 68        0910		PLA
0890- 20 AA 08  0092- 20 AC 00  0920		JSR TBYT ; OUTPUT PATTERN
0893- 20 D4 08  0095- 20 D6 00  0930            JSR SPACE2
0896- A1 00     0098- A1 00     0940            LDA (ADDRS, X)
0898- 20 AA 08  009A- 20 AC 00  0950            JSR TBYT ; OUTPUT ERROR IN MEMORY
089B- 20 C9 08  009D- 20 CB 00  0960            JSR CRLF
089E- 60        00A0- 60        0970            RTS
                                0980 ;
                                0990 ;
                                1000 ; INITIALIZE ADDRS WITH START
089F- AD DD 08  00A1- AD DF 00  1010 INI<ADDRS  LDA START
08A2- 85 00     00A4- 85 00     1020            STA *ADDRS
08A4- AD DE 08  00A6- AD E0 00  1030            LDA START + $01
08A7- 85 01     00A9- 85 01     1040            STA *ADDRS + $01
08A9- 60        00AB- 60        1050            RTS
                                1060 ;
                                1070 ;
                                1080 ; ROUTINE TO OUTPUT A BYTE
08AA- 48        00AC- 48        1090 TBYT       PHA
08AB- 4A        00AD- 4A        1100            LSR A
08AC- 4A        00AE- 4A        1110            LSR A
08AD- 4A        00AF- 4A        1120            LSR A
08AF- 20 B3 08  00B1- 20 B5 00  1140            JSR NIBBLE
08B2- 68        00B4- 68        1150            PLA
08B3- 29 0F     00B5- 29 0F     1160 NIBBLE     AND #$0F
08B5- 09 30     00B7- 09 30     1170            ORA #$30
08B7- C9 3A     00B9- C9 3A     1180            CMP #$3A
08B9- 90 02     00BB- 90 02     1190            BCC WRITE
08BB- 69 06     00BD- 69 06     1200            ADC #$06
                                1220 ; ROUTINE TO WRITE AN ASCII CHAR.
08BD- 8C E3 08  00BF- 8C E5 00  1230 WRITE      STY SAVEY
08C0- EA        00C2- EA        1240 ROM.LINK   NOP
08C1- EA        00C3- EA        1250            NOP
08C2- EA        00C4- EA        1260            NOP
08C3- EA        00C5- EA        1270            NOP
08C4- EA        00C6- EA        1280            NOP
08C5- AC E3 08  00C7- AC E5 00  1290            LDY SAVEY
08C8- 60        00CA- 60        1300            RTS
                                1320 ; ROUTINE TO OUTPUT CRLF
08C9- A9 0D     00CB- A9 0D     1330 CRLF       LDA #$0D
08CB- 20 BD 08  00CD- 20 BF 00  1340            JSR WRITE
08CE- A9 0A     00D0- A9 0A     1350            LDA #$0A
08D0- 20 BD 08  00D2- 20 BF 00  1360            JSR WRITE
08D3- 60        00D5- 60        1370            RTS
                                1390 ; SPACE2 = OUTPUT 2 SPACES
                                1400 ; SPACE  = OUTPUT 1 SPACE
08D4- 20 D7 08  00D6- 20 D9 00  1410 SPACE2     JSR SPACE
08D7- A9 20     00D9- A9 20     1420 SPACE      LDA #’
08D9- 20 BD OB  00DB- 20 BF 00  1430            JSR WRITE
08DC- 60        00DE- 60        1440            RTS
08DD-           00DF-           1470 START      .DS 2 ;USER ENTERS START OF MEMORY RANGE
08DF-           00E1-           1480 END        .DS 2 ;USER ENTERS END OF MEMORY RANGE
08E1-           00E3-           1500 TEST < PATRN .DS 1        ;CURRENT TEST PATTERN
08E2-           00E4-           1510 TEST < TYPE  .DS 1        ; = 1, 2 FOR TEST TYPE
08E3-           00E5-           1520 SAVEY           .DS 1        ; SAVE R (Y)
                                1550 END.PGM         .EN

Statement 140: $0002 For Test 1 $0800 For Test 2


Enter at ROM LINK:
Use 00C2 for Listing 1
Computer Listing 08C0 for Listing 2
PET 2 20 D2 FF
APPLE II 2 09 80 20 ED FD
SYM 1 or 2 20 63 A6
KIM 1 20 A0 1E
TIM 1 or 2 20 C6 72
OSI 65D 2 20 0B FE
Western Data Systems 2 20 A5 FC
AIM ? ?
Super KIM ? ?


Listing 1 Listing 2
Start Address lo 00DF 08DD
Start Address hi 00E0 08DE
End Address lo 00E1 08DF
End Address hi 00E2 08E0
Execution Address 0002 0800

Universal 6502 Memory Test
Carl W. Moser
3239 Linda Drive
Winston-Salem, NC 27106