Classic Computer Magazine Archive A.N.A.L.O.G. ISSUE 78 / NOVEMBER 1989 / PAGE 10


 RAM-Disk Utilities

    Helpways has just released RAMPACK, a "unified system" of 12 Atari 8-bit utilities. The RAMPACK loader automatically installs all 12 utilities into your RAM disk at bootup time and then erases itself from memory. Any of the utilities may be called up almost instantly, including a RAM-resident help screen. Because each of the utilities can be loaded independently, they do not require a RAM disk and may be run on any Atari 8-bit computer. The utilities include, among others, MENU, which displays a disk's directory; PRNTFILE, which prints a LISTed file directly from disk; RAMMAP, which displays the current memory limits and free RAM; and SCROLLIT, which scrolls program lines both forward and backward. RAMPACK sells for $19.95, plus $2.50 shipping and handling.
P.O. Box H
Rochester, NY 14623
(716) 334-2928

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