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EGAWONDER and VIP (VGA Improved Performance) Switch Settings
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EGAWONDER and VIP (VGA Improved Performance) Switch Settings 

Each of the following products has a bank of eight "DIP" switches which configures the board for the monitor type attached and controls the power-up video mode:
  • EGA Wonder Series 1 Part Number 16890
  • EGA Wonder Series 2 Part Number 16892
  • EGA Wonder Series 3 Part Number 16892
  • EGA Wonder Series 4 Part Number 16892
  • EGA Wonder 800 Part Number 16900
  • VIP Part Number 18008
SWITCH SETTINGS Power-Up Video Mode Monitor Type ATI Enhanced Features
Monitor Attached 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
MultiSync (see note) off on on off on off on Switch 8 enables the "enhanced"
features of the card. 
Turn this switch off if you
experience difficulties.
EGA off on on off on off off
RGB (& Composite) on on on off on on off
TTL mono off on on off off on off
25KHz (see note) off on on off off off on
Composite mono on on on off on on off
Compaq (see note) off on on off off off off
IBM Analog (see note) on on on off off on on
  • Switches 5 and 6 on a PC or XT motherboard must be set to ON.
  • "MultiSync" monitors at this time tended to support 15-31.5kHz (NOT 31.5 and up), and used a 9-pin digital connector.
  • 25kHz monitor requires Jumper P8 set to connect pins 2 & 3 (not available on VIP).
  • Compaq Internal Monitor requires an "optional module" (no longer available).
  • IBM Analog monitor support is only available on the VIP

Default Jumper Settings:

EGAWONDER Series 1 EGAWONDER Series 2, 3 and 4 EGAWONDER 800 VIP
P3 thru P6=2-3, P7=1-2
P11 thru P16=1-2
JP5 thru JP10=2-3

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