IBM UPGRADE DOC Step by step instructions on how to upgrade the BIOS and device drivers for the AGP and PCI graphics cards. NOTE: These instructions apply only to systems that use Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT4.0 Instructions for users of OS/2, Windows 3.11 and Windows NT 3.51 will be issued at a later date These instructions are written on the assumption that the user will have access to a system operating under Windows 95 or Windows 98 for formatting a DOS bootable diskette. 1. When do I need to use this upgrade? You only need use this upgrade if: > If you purchased your Matrox G200 AGP adapter and 9513-DG1 or 9513-DW1 (not DG0 or DW0 types) > You have a new version of T55D flat panel display and the display fails to show any DOS bootup screen with a Matrox G200 graphics card (P&D interface). > There is a failure to operate a DOS full screen session from Windows. 2. Why do I need this upgrade? In order to give better user features and functions, some power on protocols have been changed in the T55D flat panel monitor. To use these features you must update the BIOS of the Matrox G200 graphics adapter. 3. Obtaining the BIOS files 3.1 If you are using an AGP graphics card, you should obtain one of the following files from your IBM distributor or IBM Website: IBMUPAGP.ZIP Or IBMUPAGP.EXE Both files contain the same data, the exe file unpacks the contained data by executing it and may be used where the user does not have an unzip application. 3.2 If you are using a PCI graphics card, you should obtain one of the following files from your IBM distributor or IBM Website: IBMUPPCI.ZIP Or IBMUPPCI.EXE Both files contain the same data, the exe file unpacks the contained data by executing it and may be used where the user does not have an unzip application. 4. Obtaining the driver files 4.1 Your updated BIOS will require new device drivers, select which are suitable for your operating system from the following options: À If you have Windows95 or Windows98 you will need the file (or 43040.exe self extracting) À If you have WindowsNT4 you will need file (or 370151.exe self extracting) 4.2 Unpack the driver files by either using an unzip utility or running the executable version. The drivers will form three folders, disk1 to disk3, containing a number of files. This is described in detail for the Windows 9x drivers. The Windows NT drivers are unpacked in exactly similar fashion, but use file 370151.exe or 4.3 If you have the file 43040.exe on your C:\ drive: a) Double click on 43040.exe program b) You will be asked to unzip the files to a specified folder, such as C:\TEMP c) Select UNZIP or choose a preferred directory and select UNZIP. d) Format three 1.44Mb blank diskettes. Label the diskettes Disk1, Disk2 and Disk3 and include the driver version and operating system type (Windows 9x). e) Copy the *contents* of (example) C:\TEMP\DISK1 to diskette labeled Disk1 f) Similarly, copy folder contents of DISK2 and DISK3 to the remaining floppy diskettes. 4.4 If you have chosen to use the ZIP version of the drivers, then extract the files and folders to a temporary directory on your hard drive and copy the *contents* of each disk folder to a formatted blank diskette. Label the diskettes Disk1, Disk2 and Disk3. Note: Experienced users may install directly from the unpacked folders on the hard drive, without creating the floppy disk set. In such cases each of the three folders represents the three diskettes. 5. Make a bootable DOS diskette: This operation can only be performed on systems operating Windows 95, Windows 98 or which have a separately bootable DOS session. If you operate a system under Windows NT 4.0 and cannot operate DOS independently of Windows, you must first create a DOS bootable diskette on another system. 5.1. Click sequentially on the 'Start', 'Programs' and 'MSDOS Command Prompt' icons to enter a DOS session. 5.2. At the command prompt, type the following: format a: /s 5.3. Insert a blank diskette, then press enter. 5.4. Enter a volume label (e.g. IBMUPAGP), then press enter. 5.5. When prompted to format another diskette, type 'n' and press enter. 5.6. This will return you to the command prompt line. Type 'exit' and press enter to end the DOS session. Copying the files needed for upgrading the BIOS on to the diskette. 5.7. Insert the bootable diskette you have just formatted into the floppy drive of the system on which you have stored the downloaded files. 5.8 If you have selected the executable (IBMUPAGP.EXE or IBMUPPCI.EXE) you can double click on the file now and select UNZIP to copy files to the bootable diskette. Then go to section 6. 5.9 If you have selected the Zip file version of the BIOS update, determine whether you have 'Winzip' installed on your system. Click on the 'Start', 'Find' and 'Files or Folders' icons, type 'Winzip' on the command line and press enter. If Winzip is not on your system, you will need to download it from the web. The URL is: Remember that this software is for evaluation purposes only. After use, you should register and pay for the software or uninstall it by clicking on the 'uninstall Winzip' icon 5.10 Go to the file location into which you detached the files in section 3. and double-click on the 'IBMAGPUP.ZIP' or 'IBMUPPCI.ZIP' icon (whichever you are using) 5.11 This will open a Winzip session, click on the "I agree" option if you are using a trial version of Winzip. 5.12 Click on the extract icon that can be found on the taskbar of the Winzip window. 5.13 Click on the ALL FILES option to turn it ON. 5.14 Once this is opened click on the 3.5 floppy [A:] icon in the 'Folders/Drives' window and then click on 'Extract'. This will copy all of the files required onto the DOS formatted diskette. 6. Set Graphics mode to VGA Before installing the new BIOS, it is important to select VGA display drivers (which are compatible with all display drivers and BIOS types) before continuing. 6.1 Users of Windows 95 and 98 should click through the following sequence: Start - Settings / Control Panel - Display - Settings - Advanced Properties - Change - - Show all devices - (Manufacturers) Standard Display Types - Standard Display Adapter - OK 6.2 Users of Windows NT4 should click through the following sequence: Start - Settings / Control Panel - Display - Settings - Advanced Properties - Change - - Show all devices - (Manufacturers) Standard Display Types - Standard Display Adapter - OK 6.3 Select 'Shut down and Restart my Computer' to complete changes. 7. Install the new BIOS 7.1. Power off the PC system to be installed with the flat panel display 7.2 Disconnect the power from the system and follow the install instructions shipped with the Matrox G200 digital graphics adapter. 7.3 Ensure all covers are replaced before connecting the T55D flat panel display to the 25way P&D connector on the Matrox graphics adapter. 7.4 Connect power to the PC and flat panel adapter. 7.5 Insert the bootable diskette from section 5 into the A: floppy drive of the system. 7.6 Switch on the power to the flat panel and PC. Perform no other action until you hear a "beep" from the system unit. The BIOS has now been upgraded. This could take up to 1 minute. 7.7 Switch the PC off and remove the diskette. 7.8 Switch the PC back on and it should boot normally. 8. Installation of Win 95 / 98 / NT Drivers 8.1. Insert the first diskette (Disk1) into the floppy drive. 8.2 Open the 'My Computer' Icon from the desktop, open A: Floppy Diskette. 8.3 Double click on the SETUP.EXE icon. 8.4 Follow on-screen instructions to install the drivers.