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Modusworks Logo Slider

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I love me some Spinamathings, and have been a big fan of Jonas' work under his Modusworks brand for years. When he included a sticker of his MW logo in his packaging, I realized it was the perfect size for a haptic fidget, and magnetic sliders are my favorite haptic. Eventually, I designed one for printing, and gave it a try. It turned out to be even better than I expected it to be, and couldn't wait to send it to Jonas as a thanks for his dedication to our hobby... not to mention making things out of brass! LOL! Well, he liked it as much as I did, and was happy with the quality enough that he asked if I'd be willing to make them for his customers as well. SWEET!

Similar to my other magnetic sliders, the MW Logo Slider has a grid of 9 6x3mm neodymium magnets embedded into the print on each half, with a teflon rail to reduce friction. Depending on how you slide it, you can keep it quiet, or make it SNAP! Check out the video if you haven't seen one my sliders before.

The Modusworks Logo Slider is $20 USD. Shipping is included for customers in the USA, but can be shipped internationally at additional cost.


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