Assorted software (written/ported by me or students of mine)
- g3net A software encoder/decoder
which allows arbitrary data files to be attached to a FAX.
Read here if you want to know why
such a thing can be useful.
The package includes full C sources and documentation. A DOS/Windows executable is also available (requires
a 386+ to execute, it is compiled with DJGPP).
A software bridge with up to 5 boards (NE2000, WD80x3, SMC8x13 etc.).
C source, compiles under FreeBSD, produces ROMable code or a .COM
file which can run on 386+ with 512KB RAM or more.
The code should compile on
Linux/DOS with gcc/djgpp as well. If you have the time, please
check it out and report any problem with it.
An older version of the above code, written in MASM. Only
supports WD/SMC8013 cards, but can run on 286+
- Utilities for PCBRIDGE to monitor
network traffic and remotely control the bridges. Somewhat out
of date, they only work with PCBRIDGE 2.77.
- Chipmunk ("Log") for DOS A port to MSDOS
of the Chipmunk CAD package. This is a binary distribution,
which runs under MSDOS and provides full graphics and an fvwm-like
appeareance. Most work done by Michele Maestrelli.
- A simulator for the PIC16C84
(C++ source only) by Tommaso Cucinotta and Alessandro Evangelista